N°1: A Country i'd like to visit

I´d like to visit a lot of country's, in this list I have Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and others but int this opportunity y tell you about why I'd like to visit U.K.

U.K has a lot of history of different things, how the start of Skinheads or Punks, the separation of the church, the first battle with the vikings, and other interesting things.
United Kingdom is more than just England, have a lot of history, have a part of esoteric mystical things, legends and beautifully places how the Stonehenge.

I want to visit a lot of places, for this reason I think I have to stay in U.K. one month, for engoy the places with tranquility. One of this places is Lindisfarne the place for the first viking atack.


  1. You know many things about U.K. you seem to be a cultured man. I want to visit that country too, maybe we can go together someday :)


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