N°2: The Best Holiday

The best vacation was in the summer of 2018 in Loncura.

My friends and I were thinking about our first vacation together a long time ago, we wanted this trip three years ago. We were finally ready, no school, coming of age and with some money.

Everything starts at the San Borja bus station, here we met and bought the tickets, and here we had the first problem, the saleswoman told us "you have to take the bus that says (I don't remember well but it's something like that) Loncura in terminal 16", "well, thank you" we answered, but when we arrived at the terminal there was no bus that said Loncura, after a long time we went to the saleswoman and asked her where our bus is, and she tells us that the bus left a long time ago, at this moment we are very scared because we thought we lost our money, we told her that we were in the place a long time and no bus said Loncura and another man who worked nearby tells us "oooh boys the bus to Loncura does not say Loncura, says Los Vilos" and we started to get angry because of this, it was not our fault! But the good thing is that the saleswoman quickly said "relax, I'm going to talk to my boss and we can fix it" and, in fact, this was so, she gave us new passages and everything was clarified and fixed.

That's how the best vacations went.


  1. Oh so bad, I think was wonderful that you can took another bus, because I meet people that loose they bus and the salesman don't give them solution.

  2. What an unlucky situation, sometimes on holidays I have the same problem when I get prepared to trip


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