N°4: Free Topic N°2

I'm a bit lazy and that's why it's hard for me to do sports, because I need time for that, you need to practice, I need to have discipline and I try but sometimes I don't get it right, but now I'm practicing Self Defense and that's impressive, I like it, I love it.

I want to practice fight or something similar a long time ago but a gym or dojo or any of those places require money and I do not have money, and this is not all a problem, these places need TIME! and this is very difficult because college, hobbies, friends, all need time and I need to mention where I get more time?

This is the good part, a few weeks ago I started doing Taekwondo and Self Defense and I'm very happy and tired, but it's all I expected and more (in the good sense). Taekwondo is a subject of the university and self-defense is something more, a free workshop after classes, but it is also done in the faculty. The environments are very good, the teachers in both things are very good people and help you and accompany you in learning.

Those things are wonderful and they are a salvation for my health because now I do sport, I smoke less, I try to organize my time better and this is possible because the classes are free and of quality, and because my class schedule is adjusted very well, although that is possible thanks to the fact that they are in the same place where I study. I love it. 


  1. I like practice sports too specially Basquetball, because we need maintain our bodys on form. And it's impressive that you practice self-defense on these days we need protect our backs

  2. So interesting! I would like to practice a sport too, specifically some about self-defense!

  3. I congratulate you for smoking less, it's a great achievement. Keep workout!!


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