N°6: Postgraduate Studies

Well, in this moments of my life i don't know what study after of my career, hopefully, I have ideas for what to work on after I get my degree.

Any i want to be learn after can be about design in implements for martial arts, for example how design boxing gloves and how to do this with other material than leather but with the excellent quality and if possible cheaper.

Other thing for study in the future can be the body modification, more specific, the implements for to do this, like a needles, or scalpel or the difference about to do a piercing with internal thread or external thread. I maybe can to do a investigation about this, collect data or take a master in health, with relation with any of this, i don't know, but the body modification i think can be a very well topic of study with relation in design.

I have many topics I thought I could study but I think it's too early to decide or think about that now. Maybe after more classes, more time, more maturity in the career I can have a better picture of my situation in the future.

For now I will try to enjoy my undergraduate career, which is not over yet and is not easy.
